26 Quotes About Bbw-romance

  • Author Tamara Hoffa
  • Quote

    As Samantha wrapped the ornament in paper, and placed it in a bag, Mrs. Ryan said, “Hearts are like that spun glass, beautiful and fragile, and easily broken.” With a Mona Lisa smile, she turned and left the store.

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  • Author Tamara Hoffa
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    God, he was going mad. The feel of her soft curves against him was heaven. He tightened his arms around her, pressing her softness to him. Why did men like skinny girls? He didn’t want to feel bones when he pulled a woman close, he wanted to sink into the suppleness, hold on to smooth flesh as he gripped her hips and drove his erection into her hot, wet heat.

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  • Author Tamara Hoffa
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    She was everything he loved about a woman wrapped up in a cute little package. Golden blonde hair was secured to the top of her head in a ponytail, he bet it would reach her waist when it was loose. Her body was curvy in all the right places, her breasts more than filled out the T-shirt she was wearing and those hips, dang he could just imagine holding onto them while she rode him, instead of Big Red.

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  • Author Seraphina Donavan
  • Quote

    Not to be inedible here, but he is a prince and you are staying in his castle. I wouldn't piss him off.”“I think you mean indelicate,” Prudence corrected. “That's what I said,” the woman insisted. “Now, get your rump across the hall and take care of that man! And if you're a decent human being, you'll tell us all about it later!” --From "Big Love

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  • Author Seraphina Donavan
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    I will not be a slut. I will not be a slut. Oh, I want so badly to be a slut. Betrayed by her conscience which was as sex starved as the rest of her, Prudence moved into the room, knowing that she was about to do bad things.

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