1,572 Quotes About Became

  • Author Rick Baker
  • Quote

    Very early in my career, I became disappointed with the limitations of make up. There's only so much you can build up on some people before it stops looking believable and starts looking like a mask. You're also limited by the face that you're working with. If you have a big nose, the make up has to have a big nose.

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  • Author Rick Baker
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    I had a blood-and-guts period when I was a kid, but I just think that whole splatter movie thing kinda got out of control, and too many people became too desensitized to other people being brutally murdered, you know?

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  • Author Rick Byrd
  • Quote

    We became friends before I'd won many games and before he'd had many hits.

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  • Author Robert Byrd
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    I had seen his two daughters, but I was more interested in fiddle music at that point. As time went on, I became more interested in his daughters than in his fiddle playing.

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  • Author Rodney Brooks
  • Quote

    With the revolution around 1980 of PCs, the spreadsheet programs were tuned for office workers - not to replace office workers, but it respected office workers as being capable of being programmers. So office workers became programmers of spreadsheets. It increased their capabilities.

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  • Author Ron Ben-Israel
  • Quote

    We used to be referred to as bakers and then we became known as cake decorators and now we are known as cake designers. I teach at the French Culinary Institute in New York and cake design is a legitimate profession.

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  • Author Roy Blunt
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    It's not easy to fill the gap, ... I think, largely because of his effectiveness as a leader, he became a target.

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  • Author Sam Baez
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    That idea helped me to offer myself to spearhead what became a cause. I became the instrument which resulted in a very successful effort to begin an interest in this growing sport.

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