67 Quotes About Beckett


"And how meaningful Beckett's admonition is to me today: Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Rilke's paradoxical words also draw me onward still toward the unlived life that haunts all of us. Our task, he writes, is to be 'continuously defeated by ever-larger things.' 145"


"If I told you once, I told you a million times: you’re a handsome motherfucker. I’m almost gay for you."


"It is useless not to seek, not to want, for when you cease to seek you start to find, and when you cease to want, then life begins to ram her fish and chips down your gullet until you puke, and then the puke down your gullet until you puke the puke, and then the puked puke until you begin to like it."


"This place's a festering whore's crotch. Do I own it?"


"I can finally fucking breathe seeing you goddamn bastards."


"But man is still today, at the age of twenty-five, at the mercy of an erection, physically too, from time to time, it's the common lot, even I was not immune, if that can be called an erection. It did not escape her naturally, women smell a rigid phallus ten miles away and wonder, How on earth did he spot me from there?"


"People can be complicated. We can also be ridiculously simple."


"Estragon:-¿Cuál es nuestro papel en este asunto?Vladimir:-¿Nuestro papel?Estragon:-Tómate tiempo.Vladimir:-¿Nuestro papel? El del suplicante.Estragon:-¿Hasta este extremo?Vladimir: ¿El señor tiene exigencias que hacer valer?Estragon:-¿Ya no tenemos derechos?(Risa de Vladimir, quien se reprime como antes. Mismos gestos, salvo la sonrisa)Vladimir:-Me harías reír si me estuviera permitido.Estragon:-¿Los hemos perdido?Vladimir (con claridad):-Los hemos vendido."


"Vladimir:-Cuando uno piensa, oye.Estragon:-Cierto.Vladimir:-Y eso impide reflexionar.Estragon:-Claro.Vladimir:-Impide pensar.Estragon:-De todos modos se piensa.Vladimir:-¡Qué va!, resulta imposible.Estragon:-Eso es, contradigámonos.Vladimir: Imposible.Estragon:-¿Tú crees?Vladimir:-Ya no nos arriesgamos a pensar.Estragon:-Entonces, ¿De qué nos lamentamos?"
