123 Quotes About Bedroom


"Bedrooms are like crime scenes. So many clues to be uncovered."


"Then she marched to the pillows and beat them mercilessly until they lay puffed out like obedient clouds."


"I’m still in bed writing this, lying on my back like an omelette in a pan."


"I loved my bedroom... the vanity with the warped mirror, the squat chairs without armrests, the elaborate, oriental dressing screen. I loved curving my body into the velvet sofa, books piled at my feet, the dusty, floor-length curtains pushed back from the windows so I could see the sky. At night the purple-fringed lampshades turned the light a hue somewhere between lilac and dusky plum."


"I would slay dragons for you,” he told her. “I suspect that finding an unoccupied bedroom will be easier."


"She loved her room. She had window seats and shutters, flowered wallpaper, and a bed with too many pillows. Her mother called the decor "romance and drama," and said the room looked like it belonged to a fairy princess."


"You can tell a lot about a person from their bedroom, don’t you think? Bedrooms are like crime scenes - so many clues to be uncovered."


"New Rule: Stop putting all those pillows on the bed. Attention, interior designers, hotel maids, and real housewives of New Jersey: It's a bed, not an obstacle course. I'm sorry, baby, I'd like to make sweet love to you all night long, but by the time I get all that crap off your bed, I'm exhausted. A bed needs only two pillows: one to put my head on, and one to cuddle with and pretend it's Robert Pattinson."


"Bay's room was the first one at the top of the staircase. It was painted a dove gray that turned peacock blue after dark, as if the room absorbed the warmth of daylight and radiated with it at night."
