733 Quotes About Being-yourself

  • Author Osho
  • Quote

    You need not search for uniqueness, you are unique already. There is no way to make a thing more unique. The words “more unique” are absurd. It is just like the word “circle.” Circles exist; there is no such thing as “more circular.” That is absurd. A circle is always perfect, “more” is not needed.

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  • Author Kate Lattey
  • Quote

    Real is...just being you. It's not letting yourself be defined by other people's opinions of you, of who they think you are, or what they expect you to be. It's refusing to let them squash you into the box they've built for you, and just being yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks. Because you're never going to matter to everyone, just like everyone's never going to matter to you. So you choose the people whose opinions you care about, and you be real for them.

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  • Author Roberto Fuentes
  • Quote

    Aunque ser distinta signifique ser maravillosa, de igual manera trae problemas. Quizá la solución es ser distinto a solas, escondido, en tu casa, en tu pieza, a lo más con un amigo al frente, pero nada de actuar fuera de lo normal en la calle, delante de otras personas, y mucho menos en el colegio. Si no, al final uno termina solo.

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  • Author Gail Honeyman
  • Quote

    Although it’s good to try new things and to keep an open mind, it’s also extremely important to stay true to who you really are.

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