467 Quotes About Belonging


"That yes, it’s exactly what they think, and nothing like it, and a hundred other things at once. I will always wish I were hers, and I will always want to be only my own. I haven’t found a way yet to make the two fit."


"A love that can be found within everything. And as this world turns and changes, the bits and scraps of my love that find their homes around me... There. See? One piece has just found its place in you. Just like that."


"Sometimes in bed he held me as if he was a selfish little boy saying. 'Mine, mine, mine,' to the world. Sometimes he took care of me because he took care of things that belonged to him."


"The principle of optimal distinctiveness: we look for ways to fit in and stand out. A popular way to achieve optimal distinctiveness is to join a unique group.... Studies show that people identify more strongly with individuals and groups that share unique similarities. The more rare a group, value, interest, skill, or experience is, the more likely it is to facilitate a bond. And research indicates that people are happier in groups that provide optimal distinctiveness."


"I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance."


"There is a place for everyone in the world. When you find yours, your heart will call it home. - Kailin Gow, Fearless Fairy Tales Series"


"To belong did not mean ownership. You were not someone’s property. The “be” syllable was about existence: “to be” yourself and “to be” in a special place that no one else could occupy within your family except you. The “long” part was about the heart, a place in the heart where a family met and lived together. They didn’t just put up with each other. They longed for each other. To belong was not a state of mind but a state of heart."


"I said that I was not a good Muslim but that I was not a bad person.I said I had a brother that I wanted to keep in touch with. I said that I wanted to give up my share of the inheritance to him. Apart from my father's Russian books and Russian keepsakes, I wanted nothing. I said that I did not come here today to fight over money or for the share of a house. I came so that I would not be an outcast, so that I would, even in a small way, faintly, marginally, tentatively, belong."
