467 Quotes About Belonging


"The idea of not being alone -- of having someone who sees me, same way I see the things that no one else can see, makes me feel like I'm real. Like I deserve to exist on this planet alongside everyone else. That I get to be here because there's someone else who wants me here too."


"I’ll find my group one day. Friends I belong with, a city, a community, a place to get all those ideas out and let them be heard and appreciated. I’ll be something one day. I know I will.
 For now I’m walking lonely in Prague at Christmas, feeling like the happiest, most unknown girl in the world."


"It's like the song of a family where everything's always all right, it's a song of belonging that makes you belong just by hearing it, it's a song that'll always take care of you and never leave you. If you have a heart, it breaks, if you have a heart that's broken, it fixes."


"Somewhere I lost myself.I lost the beat of my heart as my own drum.I have a sense that it was the same time I lost Medicine Woman. One day my soul slipped out of my body. Or maybe it was pulled too hard. Or shocked away. I don’t know.But I know that I lost Her. And have been sick ever since. An orphaned child In a world that does not feel like home."


"The river of my village doesn’t make you think about anything.When you’re at its bank you’re only at its bank."


"I made my way here alone for a long while. It took some time to find my place. It took more time to become somebody worth protecting."


"I belonged here the way I belonged to this planet and its people, but on one condition: alone, always alone."


"But I also knew that if he turned away from me at this moment, somehow I would survive that, and I would find a way to flourish like the yard that still bloomed and grew around my family home.I'm Sookie Stackhouse. I belong here."


"Everyone belongs. You may think that you are different, that you are excluded, that you are disconnected. Even the fact that you feel alone groups you with a huge part of society. Have no fear that you are alone. Allow yourself to be included. Don’t let that critical voice inside your head tell you that you can’t join the world around you. You belong if you allow yourself to belong."
