1,275 Quotes About Benefits
- Author Steven Magee
Every time I see a USA rocket launch, I am reminded of the millions of disabled people that were denied their disability benefits in order to fund it.
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- Author Pen
Selling yourself short shortchanges others who could reap the benefits of what you have to offer; it also shortchanges you who could, in turn, reap the benefits of what others want to offer you.
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- Author Carl Cohen
The critical issues here concern what is right, what is just -- not the balancing of benefits.
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- Author Steven Redhead
There are no benefits by letting whatever difficulties that have already passed trouble you in the present.
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- Author Jonathan Haidt
Gossip is a policeman and a teacher. Without it, there would be chaos and ignorance.
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- Author Steven Magee
The government is in the business of facilitating toxic employers to willfully damage their workers health and then refuses those disabled workers their Disability and Workers Compensation benefits.
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- Author Steven Magee
It is hard to be charitable when you have been denied your disability benefits and your workers compensation for occupational disease.
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- Author Steven Magee
Of course you can pull every dirty lawyer trick to deny my Disability and Workers Compensation benefits...but there will be payback for you at a later time.
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- Author Steven Magee
The government disability program has developed a wide range of feeble excuses to deny you your earned benefits.
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