242 Quotes About Bid

  • Author Bible Bible
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    If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: / For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

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  • Author Brian Barwick
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    We are clearly giving some serious consideration to putting together a bid for the tournament.

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  • Author Bruce Baird
  • Quote

    I said to him that we would rather lose the bid than enter into that type of arrangement.

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  • Author Bruce Baird
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    During the Olympic process, I was approached by a third party who claimed to represent IOC members. He was certainly known well with the Olympic movement, and he said we wouldn't win the bid unless we provided commercial endorsements,

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  • Author Cameron van der Burgh
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    I'm trying to focus on the 100 and 200 breaststroke now. There's no point concentrating on the 50 when it's not in the Olympics. I'm not going to quit the 50 but it's not my priority any more. I'll do it but as part of my bid for gold at the other distances.

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  • Author Carolyn Boyle
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    If it's all about money, if our entire Texas Legislature is just kind of up for bid to who can put the most money into campaigns, that's sad.

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  • Author Charles Bradford
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    I can't recall, in the 40 years I've been following the steel industry, ever seeing a bid that was raised after already winning.

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  • Author Curtis Barfield
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    We have good hamburgers. Some people come just to eat and for the entertainment in watching the auctions. They don't bid on anything. It's just something to do on a Saturday night.

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  • Author Darrell Braden
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    For the last 12 years, this has not been sent out to bid -- it's been automatically given. There's been no accountability.

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