33 Quotes About Biker-romance


"—Quiero besarte, quiero follarte, y deseo que me toques con tal intensidad que duela físicamente. No voy a conseguir los dos primeros, así que solo sube a la parte trasera de mi moto. Rodéame con tus brazos y demos un paseo. Es todo lo que puedes darme, así que dámelo."


"You and me baby. This is the new beginning for both of us."


"I don't want to forget my past life, Wilde. Because if not for him, I'd have never met you and that would be the greatest mistake of my life."


"I was with two men that night, Mom! The baby could be either of theirs!"


"The grim reaper was waiting for me, scythe in hand, ready to drag me to wherever dead men go to pay for their sins.And I had sinned plenty.'Beast - Tame his Beast coming June 18th"


"If I don’t get the f**k away from her I’m gonna go back to prison for sistercide! And I’m too young to ride the lightning down in Huntsville."


"COLBIE: I'm an optimist. I believe in love and romance and happily ever after."


"COLBIE: Lies are for the weak....Don't be a pussy even if you have one."


"Bare Bones? Oh, there were a few of you in the joint. Nice guys. Leastways, someone must’ve told them to be nice to me, ‘cause they never offered to stroll with me down Bosco Boulevard or give me a baloney colonic."
