1,926 Quotes About Billy-graham
- Author Billy Graham
There is less teaching about sin, and very little warning of judgment.
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- Author Billy Graham
When we use the word “sin,” we usually think of our misdeeds—actions or habits we know are wrong. But those are specific sins, and they are the result of sin, the deeper spiritual disease that infects our souls. Sin is the cause; sins are the effect.Sin is the tree; sins are the fruit. Sin is the disease; sins are the symptoms.
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- Author Billy Graham
Sin pierced the very heart of God. God felt every piercing nail and spear thrust. God felt the burning sun. God felt the mocking derision and the body blows.
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- Author Billy Graham
As much as we hate to admit it, we are sinners by birth. We are also sinners by choice. We are also sinners by practice.
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- Author Billy Graham
cannot come to Christ unless the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin.
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- Author Billy Graham
Only [God] can convict nonbelievers of their sins; only He can convince them of the truth of the Gospel.
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- Author Billy Graham
Galatians 5:21 constitutes the most serious warning to those who may think they can sin that grace may abound.
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- Author Billy Graham
Sin is a revolt against God.
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- Author Billy Graham
Sin has progressed and gained momentum;[man] seems to have lost his ability to be shocked. Behavior that was once considered abominable is now acceptable.
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