35 Quotes About Biographical
- Author Sarah Forsyth
Graag of niet. Het zijn godverdomme m&m's, geen pillen. Ze zijn de enige lunch die we krijgen.' Ze zei het woord lunch zo sarcastisch, dat ik in hysterisch lachen uitbarstte. Sally keek me aan en moest ook lachen. En toen drong de werkelijkheid weer tot me door en maakte het lachen plaats voor tranen en uiteindelijk huilden we allebei tranen met tuiten in elkaars armen. Maar de m&m's aten we op.
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- Author Ernst Jünger
In a curious failure of comprehension, I looked alertly about me for possible targets for all this artillery fire, not, apparently, realizing that it was actually ourselves that the enemy gunners were trying for all they were worth to hit.
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- Author Malala Yousafzai
I dreamed of going to the top of Mount Elum like Alexander the Great to touch Jupiter and even beyond the valley. But, as I watched my brother running across the roof, flying their kites and skillfully flicking the strings back and forth to cut each other's down, I wondered hoe free a daughter could ever be.
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- Author Malala Yousafzai
He laughed a lot, but as a boy he had been so self-conscious about being dark-skinned that he went to the fields to get buffalo milk to spread on his face, thinking it would make him lighter. It was only when he met my mother that he became comfortable in his own skin. Being loved by such a beautiful girl gave him confidence.
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- Author Ziauddin Yousafzai
Se si vuole risolvere una disputa o uscire da un conflitto, la primissima cosa da fare è dire la verità. Perché se hai mal di testa e al medico dici di avere mal di stomaco, come potrà aiutarti? Bisogna sempre dire la verità. Perché la verità elimina la paura.
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- Author R. Alan Woods
My purpose in beginning the John Wimber biography project was to honor his rich legacy of teaching, his extraordinary character, and the positive & beneficial impact his life has had on my journey as a 'follower of Christ'. I esteem John Wimber's teachings, writing, and impact upon the Body of Christ to be equal with that of C.S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, John F. Banks, D.L. Moody, and Leanne Payne.
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- Author Iyanla Vanzant
When you feel unprotected, unsupported and unprepared to take care of yourself, your insides will feel if you have been through a train wreck. The best way to describe this experience is that you are having a head on body collision between your wannabe and your can never be.
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- Author Emilie Autumn
Seeing metaphors in everything again.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
I talk with the authority of failure.
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