209 Quotes About Biological
"I am an explorer of the biological toxicity of high altitudes."
"High altitude astronomy workers are the biological test subjects of 5G wireless radiation satellites."
"Very high altitude astronomy only works by ignoring established biological science"
"Oxygen deprivation and supplemental oxygen are both bio-hazards for Mauna Kea workers"
"I am among the world’s leading experts on the long term biological effects of environmental radiation exposures and how to diagnose and treat them."
"It is getting difficult to discern the biological effects of natural radiation from unnatural man-made radiation."
"Utility company smart meters have become a sordid tale of fraud, corruption and willful biological damage of the masses."
"Modern society is a biological disaster masquerading as progress."
"My interest in astronomy has been replaced by my fascination with the biological damage that occurs in very high altitude workers."