50 Quotes About Bishops
"As for the bishop, the sight of the guillotine was a great shock to him, from which he recovered only slowly."
"My father would have been made a bishop much earlier than he was had it not been for me and my image."
"Francis seems familiar because Catholics have already known him in the Vatican II priests who have been their pastors and sacramental ministers over the years since that council brought new life to an old church. Catholics have known him in the bishops and priests who brought the spirit of the council to their dioceses and parishes."
"As dutiful bishops soon discover, authoritarianism, or control from the top down, characterizes the hierarchical tradition."
"I think there are a number of bishops - and I put Cardinal Mahony in that category - who listen too much to his lawyer and not enough to his heart."
"I think there are a number of bishops -- and I put Cardinal Mahony in that category -- who listen too much to his lawyer and not enough to his heart."
"Muftis and bishops should be like ripe camembert cheeses - a bit on the nose and not for the faint-hearted, but memorable!"
"He has to decide whether to hold a synod different from the past, in which bishops have the possibility not only of being listened to but of making decisions."
"I have known some grim bells, with not a single joyous note in the whole peal, so forced to hurry for a human festival, with their harshness made light of, as though the Bishop of Hereford had again been forced to dance in his boots by a merry highwayman."