298 Quotes About Black-lives-matter


"Blood-Stained"Six minutes, no medics, I gasped as ragged breaths escaped my lungs.“Hold on, Bre, hold on,” my love pleaded, but I was already gone.I drowned in my own life’s blood as I heard my love weep for me.Lord, wake us from this nightmare – we want to go back to sleep."


"Fear not - you are my fiery sisters and brothers - oppressors will tremble hearing your footsteps and bigots will shiver at the sight of your arrival."


"Battle Hymn of The Public (The Humanist Sonnet)Mine eyes have seen the glory,Of the rising of the Gods.We are fighting all the worry,Trampling authority of the frauds.We are awakening ourselves,Breaking the spell of tradition.Finally we are breathing free,Devoid of all segregation.We still have our prejudices,But we no longer bow to them.Biases may still prevail in us,No more do we submit to them.God ain't up there but here in you and me.Awake, Arise O Mighty Gods to die for the unfree."


"Black doesn't mean dangerous, white doesn't mean trash, brown doesn't mean smuggler, muslim doesn't mean terrorist, woman doesn't mean weak, and lgbt doesn't mean sick. These are the fundamentals that we must realize if we are to build a just and humane society."


"Black lives matter is not a black people's movement - metoo is not a women's movement - pride is not a gay people's movement - it's all humanity's movement - a movement for being accepted as humans by the humans."


"Every harm done to the society, is harm done to me - every injustice done to the society, is injustice done to me. Such should be the thinking of a responsible and civilized individual of the human society."


"Why does our society teach young people to follow beauty standards? Why do young boys and girls have to look beautiful to be accepted into certain professions such as modeling and acting? Why do companies sell fairness creams? Every skin color is beautiful. Why is the society obsessed with looks?"
