50 Quotes About Boarding

  • Author James Lovegrove
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    Being at boarding school in the pre-internet era, especially a boarding school tucked away in the Oxfordshire countryside, was like being in a cocoon. You had your own life; world events happened elsewhere.

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  • Author Christopher Moore
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    The Sousa era was also the same time as the boarding-school era when the Oneidas were shipped off (to be educated in white ways, as opposed to the tribal ways). They learned the Sousa music and took it back with them when they were done with boarding school.

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  • Author Gil Meche
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    I called the folks on Sunday when there was talk the storm would be a big one. I wondered about boarding up my house. They said the storms aren't much when they get to us, and the prediction was this one would turn east once it hit land.

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  • Author Ian Macdonald
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    This boarding on the high seas was done on the express permission of the Cambodian government, the flag state of the vessel,

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  • Author Maika Monroe
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    I started kite boarding when I was 13. My dad was a kite boarder, and I begged him to teach me until he finally agreed. He made me wait because it can be dangerous.

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  • Author Ted Naifeh
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    The first 'Polly and the Pirates' is about a prim and proper girl who gets kidnapped out of her comfy boarding school by a bunch of pirates that think she's the daughter of their long lost queen. In the course of the adventure, she discovers she has a natural penchant for swashbuckling, despite her sheltered childhood.

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  • Author Deirdre O'Kane
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    Growing up, I was your classic Catholic Irish kid. I went to mass every Sunday. Then in secondary school I went to boarding school, and there was mass seven days a week before breakfast - it may have put me off!

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  • Author Julian Ovenden
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    I think I've got better at expressing my emotions. But going through the education system I went through - I don't think you can go to boarding school and come out without feeling a little repressed - yes, it does leave its mark on you.

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