153 Quotes About Book-writing
"It comes a point in which you don't know if you write books or the books write you"
"Twenty seven years ago, during my first romantic relationship with a boy, I started keeping a diary about my thoughts and experiences. That diary formed the basis of my novel “A Dream of Two Moons,” the title of which comes from some paranormal occurrences from real life."
"Write it down now! You may never know who will read it tomorrow!"
"One expert may be as good as another until one writes a book"
"I didn't write just one book, I wrote twenty books with the same title and published the last one."
"I write for strength, to smile, to breathe life into dreams. Connect with love, understand the villain and most of all let go of the pain dwelling inside of me.-Tamyara Brown"
"I have found that a #story leaves a deeper impression when it is impossible to tell which side the author is on."
"The photographer frames the shot, writers frame their world."
"I should not be surprised if you were able to write a book after all. Not that a new book is wanted. There are too many books as it is; and not enough people to dust them. Still, it is not probable that you would be considerate enough to remember that. You will write your book."