44 Quotes About Bookquotes

  • Author Jojo Moyes
  • Quote

    How could I explain to this girl what Will and I had been to each other,the way I felt that no person in the world had ever understood me like he did or ever would again?How could she understand that losing him was like having a hole shot straight through me, a painful, constant reminder, an absence I could never fill?

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  • Author Samantha Young
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    I am not your mother. I’m not looking for something else from life. I’m not looking for more. I’m not looking for a great adventure. I’m not looking, because I found it. You are my more. You are my great adventure.

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  • Author Haruki Murakami
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    I know these things. I'm always right. It's got nothing to do with logic: I just feel it. For example, when I'm really close to you like this, I'm not the least bit scared. Nothing dark or evil could ever tempt me.

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  • Author Nicola Yoon
  • Quote

    Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself. I like who I am with her.

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  • Author Nicola Yoon
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    Why not more poems about the sun? The sun is also a star, and it's our most important one. That alone should be worth a poem or two.

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