480 Quotes About Boundaries
"Limits aren't there to tell us "you can't." Limits are there to tell us "you shouldn't."
"If you don't break your own standards, you will not reach new heights and levels. It is by stretching our limits that we move beyond boundaries. Keep improving!"
"We are designed boundaryless and limitless in what we can achieve. Unfortunately, we are also skillful in building boundaries and limits..."
"In healthy development, trust evolves. How do we decide whether to trust? We share a feeling with someone and watch their reaction; if the response feels safe, if it is caring, noncritical, non-abusive, the first step of trust has developed. For trust to grow, this positive response must become part of a relatively reliable pattern… Trust develops with consistency over time."
"Don’t let people who fuck with your mind enter into the door of your mind."
"People will selfishly stake a claim on your time but when you need to be selfish with your own time, because you are taking care of yourself, it is a problem. Be selfish with your time and energy. You are responsible for yourself, FIRST."
"There is a big difference between helping someone and enabling someone. Make sure your evergy is going towards truly helping someone out of a bad spot, not enabling someone who is continuously and complacently taking advantage of your kindness."
"You have the right to set ground rules. This means deciding if, when, and how you want to see the people in your family. Many survivors feel that if they open up the channels at all, they have to open them up all the way. When you were a child you had two options—to trust or not to trust. Your options are broader now."