480 Quotes About Boundaries

  • Author E. Sue Blume
  • Quote

    In healthy development, trust evolves. How do we decide whether to trust? We share a feeling with someone and watch their reaction; if the response feels safe, if it is caring, noncritical, non-abusive, the first step of trust has developed. For trust to grow, this positive response must become part of a relatively reliable pattern… Trust develops with consistency over time.

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  • Author Sama Akbar
  • Quote

    People will selfishly stake a claim on your time but when you need to be selfish with your own time, because you are taking care of yourself, it is a problem. Be selfish with your time and energy. You are responsible for yourself, FIRST.

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  • Author Sama Akbar
  • Quote

    There is a big difference between helping someone and enabling someone. Make sure your evergy is going towards truly helping someone out of a bad spot, not enabling someone who is continuously and complacently taking advantage of your kindness.

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