485 Quotes About Breathing

  • Author Catherine Carrigan
  • Quote

    I recommend breathwork because your breath is available to you anytime, anywhere -- no drugs, no natural healing remedy, no practitioner required.

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  • Author Thomm Quackenbush
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    Roselyn corseted Shane in her second best bodice, causing Shane to question in gasps how women who could not heal cracked ribs managed the feat of breathing. “Breathing,” Roselyn assured her, “was overrated.

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  • Author Shunryu Suzuki
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    When we become truly ourselves, we just become a swinging door, and we are purely independent of, and at the same time, dependent upon everything.

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  • Author Thalia Chaltas
  • Quote

    If I could just open my mouth wide enoughto allow those gagging blobs of truththeir slow, tar-seep passageup through my gullet, with barely enough oxygen to keep from passing out while they glorp over my tongue,those truths would reach my teeth, where if my jaw weren't unhinged,I might bite them offso I couldbreathe again.

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