54 Quotes About Bristol

  • Author Tom Stutsman
  • Quote

    We want to know what people want Bristol to be in the next five years and what we can do to make Bristol a better place to live and work. Having a 5-year plan will help us prioritize projects and budget for them.

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  • Author Pat Tryson
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    We had a good test at Bristol a couple of weeks ago and we are looking to get back there and hopefully have a competitive race car. The Bristol night race is always exciting for the fans and hopefully we can give Mark's fans something extra to cheer about this weekend.

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  • Author Henry Williamson
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    The tides which flow and lapse in the Bristol Channel are often distained by the freshets of many streams falling through wooded coombes below the moor.

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  • Author Laura Wade
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    In my final year at Bristol University, I wrote a play called 'White Feathers.' It was produced in the studio theatre at the students' union in early 1999, when I was 21. It's 100 pages long: a very traditional play, with an interval, about deserters in the First World War.

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  • Author Rusty Wallace
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    We're looking at it like we have some unfinished business to take care of this weekend. We certainly want to go out on top of our game at Bristol with a strong run, and I think we're primed to come in there and do just that.

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  • Author Rusty Wallace
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    We certainly want to go out on top of our game at Bristol with a strong run and I think we're primed to come in there and do just that. The fact is that we had a car that should have won the spring race at Bristol and looked like we were certainly headed that way until we had a right-front tire go down.

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  • Author Rusty Wallace
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    We certainly want to go out on top of our game at Bristol with a strong run, and I think we're primed to come in there and do just that.

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  • Author Rusty Wallace
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    A victory would have been nice, ... but my disappointment was tempered by having a section of the Bristol grandstands named after me in a pre-race ceremony.

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