71 Quotes About Buddhahood


"Samadhi is, you, dying in your own lap."


"The day you realize your emptiness, will be the day you realize your wholeness."


"Unlike most other world religions, Buddhism has never been too rigid in its structure."


"No! Soul doesn’t exist on personal level. There’s nothing like your soul and my soul. What looks unique in individuals is just another layer of mind."


"ईनार जमीनमै खनिन्छ, पानी जमीनबाटै रसाउछ यधपी ईनार जमीन होईन, जमीन-बिहिनता हो ।"


"I may be called by different titles in different parts of the world - in the west, a humanitarian scientist or a christian mystic - in the middle-east, a sufi or a pir - in the east, an advaitin or a buddha, but beyond the layers of terminologies, I am just a human living as human."


"The more one understands the world...the harder it is to obtain Buddhahood." Dakpo to Shan"
