189 Quotes About Bull

  • Author Thomas Bentz
  • Quote

    It's a very powerful bull market right now. The real concern is whether OPEC can make up for any interruptions in supplies. The problem is that we've lost our security cushion. A potential loss in Iranian oil would be impossible to replace and could send oil to $100.

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  • Author Andrew Cole
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    The bull case on copper has grown even more compelling over the last month. Sentiment in the copper market has been boosted by yet more disruption to production.

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  • Author Don Cassidy
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    This bull market is now entering its fourth year, and it is getting tired. The old leaders of this market -- energy and housing -- seem to be running out of gas.

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  • Author John Chernick
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    She's just so quick for a girl her size. If we try to go quick she'll just bull us down low. If we try to put our big girl on her, she's just too quick. They're (the Red Devils) just so good.

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  • Author Marty Cunningham
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    These days you'll find one bull for every bear. The market is just wrought with uncertainty.

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