137 Quotes About Bullshit
- Author David Graeber
Lilian testifies eloquently to the misery that can ensue when the only challenge you can overcome in your own work is the challenge of coming to terms with the fact that you are not, in fact, presented with any challenges; when the only way you canexercise your powers is in coming up with creative ways to cover up the fact that youcannot exercise your powers; of managing the fact that you have, completely againstyour choosing, been turned into a parasite and fraud.
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- Author Chuck Palahniuk (author)
It wasn't only the boosted experiences that bothered Rant. It was dipshit kids done up as soldiers and princesses and witches. Eating cake flavored with artificial vanilla. Celebrating a harvest that didn't occur anymore. Fruit punch that came from a factory. A ritual to placate ghosts, or whatever bullshit Halloween does, practiced by people who had no awareness of that. What bothered Rant was the fake, bullshit nature of everything.
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- Author Toba Beta
I once got lost in a dark woods with no supplies.Struggling to deal with nature, beasts and storms,that was time when I lost my arrogance as human.
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- Author Will Advise
The only way to efficiently battle evil is to copy enough to know how to counter each argument, yet not enough to believe all the bullshit.
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- Author George Carlin
I do. I like people, but I like them in short bursts. I don't like people for extended periods of time. I'm all right with them for a little while, but once you get up past around... a minute, minute and a half, I gotta get the fuck out of there. And my reason for this... my reason is one that you may share, possibly. I have a very low tolerance level for stupid bullshit.
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- Author Daniel Clausen
Let the bullshitters have their bullshit. You and me, we have lives to live. And once you open your mouth to respond to their bullshit--well, that's when you're knee-deep in it.
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- Author Freequill
When you walk alone in nature and you are angry, you realize that you brought the bullshit with you.
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- Author Rick Remender
Some irony. The girl who couldn't face her own bullshit . . . suddenly forcing everyone else to.
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- Author Scott Lynch
When the sky’s falling, I take shelter under bullshit.
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