188 Quotes About Bureaucracy
- Author E.A. Bucchianeri
Sometimes he would rather battle a demon from Hell than grapple with the bureaucracy of man.
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- Author Robert Jackall
Younger managers learn quickly that, whatever the public protestations to the contrary, bosses generally want pliable and agreeable subordinates, especially during periods of crisis. Clique leaders want dependable, loyal allies. Thos who regularly raise objections to what a boss or a clique leader really desires run the risk of being considered problems themselves and of being labeled "outspoken," or "nonconstructive," or "doomsayers," "naysayers," or "crepehangers.
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- Author Bruce D. Henson
Fulfilling your bureaucratic potential is not leadership; sometimes you just have to start by saying "Yes.
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- Author Ryan Lilly
Let’s form a committee tasked with exploring why committees are so ineffective. Then we’ll stand-back and watch it argue and self-destruct.
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- Author Max Weber
Bureaucracy develops the more perfectly, the more it is 'dehumanized', the more completely it succeeds in eliminating from business love, hatred, and all purely personal, irrational, and emotional elements which escape calculation.
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- Author Amit Kalantri
Business is boss, politics is servant.
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- Author M.P. Fitzgerald
Once the sounds of birds were reassuring. Once, it was a sign of danger if the birds had gone quiet. Now, the sounds of birds would be foreign, even wrong. Now, it was always quiet because there was always danger.
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- Author M.P. Fitzgerald
She regarded Arthur with the corners of her eyes as she drove, noting that he was wearing a seatbelt, even though there was no more law requiring him to do so. There was no seatbelt around her, and in truth if she was the van's only occupant there wouldn't be any pants either.
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- Author Amina from F.U.C.K.
Don't pick the lawyer who knows the law, pick the lawyer who does lunch with the judge
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