35 Quotes About Bushido

  • Author Yamamoto Tsunetomo
  • Quote

    Rehearse your death every morning and night. Only when you constantly live as though already a corpse (jōjū shinimi) will you be able to find freedom in the martial Way, and fulfill your duties without fault throughout your life.

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  • Author Yamamoto Tsunetomo
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    At times because of one man’s evil, ten thousand people suffer. So you kill that one man to let the tens of thousands live. Here, truly, the blade that deals death becomes the sword that saves lives.

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  • Author Yamamoto Tsunetomo
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    With regards to the way of death, if you are prepared to die at any time, you will be able to meet your release from life with equanimity. As calamities are usually not as bad as anticipated beforehand, it is foolhardy to feel anxiety about tribulations not yet endured. Just accept that the worst possible fate for a man in service is to become a rōnin, or death by seppuku. Then nothing will faze you.

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  • Author Yamamoto Tsunetomo
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    Depending on one’s point of view, Hagakure represents a mystical beauty intrinsic to the Japanese aesthetic experience, and a stoic but profound appreciation of the meaning of life and death.

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  • Author Jorge Kishikawa
  • Quote

    Coitadinhos ou coitadinhas não devem ir a campo de batalha. Só atrapalham. Alguém gostaria de ter um samurai chorando no meio da batalha? Tendo crise de nervos? Com depressão? Ou precisando de um cafuné? Sendo tão inofensivo que não suporte um comando enérgico ou uma advertência verbal? Este não é um guerreiro. É uma flor. Deve estar num vaso e servir de ornamento para ninguém tocar. Não resiste a mais leve brisa da manhã.

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