21 Quotes About Camus

  • Author Camus Albert
  • Quote

    ... but he could not believe that the plague might really get a hold of a town where you could still find humble civil servants who devoted their free moments to honourable obsessions. More exactly, he could not imagine how such obsessions fitted into the context of the plague, and so concluded that, in practical terms, the plague had no future among the people of our town.

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  • Author Juan Gabriel Vásquez
  • Quote

    Imaginar que tiene en mente (Vargas Llosa) a Camus ( o ha olvidado que lo tuvo en mente) al contestar a las preguntas de El Urogallo en 1970 y, finalmente, al escribir una de sus grandes obras de crítica literaria, el libro que da forma actual y concreta a la idea del novelista como suplantado de Dios: Historia de un deicidio.

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