1,237 Quotes About Cancer

  • Author Jane McLelland
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    Although there are no trained oncology nutritionists at the moment, your own knowledge of what fuel your cancer prefers (the glutamine: glucose: lipid ratio) will guide food choices and help you starve your cancer. For instance, virtually all cancers respond to a reduced glucose intake, glutamine-fuelled cancers require a lower protein intake and fat-driven cancers (eg, prostate, melanoma) need to avoid ketogenic diets. Reducing saturated fat is also important for every type of cancer.

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  • Author Patricia Jordan
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    The WHO (World Health Organization) listed the adjuvant in vaccines as carcinogenic; McNeil showed that in cell culture, adjuvant is causing mutations of the genome and cancer. Why it is so hard to see that there is the culpable responsibility of the vaccine in causing cancer in humans as well? All human cancers to date are virus and P53 mutation associated; what a coincidence!

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