49 Quotes About Career-path
- Author Germany Kent
Journalism is all about headlines and deadlines. The adrenaline rush is real so if the news doesn't interest or invigorate you, this is probably not the profession for you.
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- Author Evan Thomsen
Importantly, nothing in this book is an advocacy for one type of career, industry, set of knowledge, or field of study. The practical methods in this book are not like a map with the journey and destination laid out, but like a set of tools, helping you to be a better architect of your professional life.
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- Author Germany Kent
Before you accept a job research the company, salary, benefits and weigh that with the satisfaction of what you will be doing in that particular location compared to a position where you could stand to grow and learn the most.
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- Author David Epstein
We learn who we are only by living and not before.
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