40 Quotes About Cassian

  • Author Sarah J. Maas
  • Quote

    Cassian miró a Rhys de arriba abajo, el pelo largo hasta los hombros en movimiento.—Muy a la moda hoy, hermano. Y además has obligado a vestir a la pobre Fyre. —Me hizo un guiño había algo tallado toscamente en esos rasgos..., como si lo hubieran fabricado con viento, tierra y llamas y todas las formas civilizadas que lo cubrían fueran solo un inconveniente.–Capítulo 16, pág. 155

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  • Author Sarah J. Maas
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    My mother always had gifts for Azriel and Cassian. For the latter, the initial Solstice we’d shared here had been the first time he’d received any sort of gift, Solstice or not. I could still see the tears Cassian had tried to hide as he’d opened his presents, and the tears in my mother’s eyes as she watched him.

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  • Author Sarah J. Maas
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    Nesta looked at the king with death twining around his hands, then down at Cassian. And covered Cassian’s body with her own. Cassian went still - then his hand slid over her back. Together. They’d go together.

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  • Author Sarah J. Maas
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    This could be . . . a very bad idea," I admitted, my grip tightening on his hand. "Oh, it most certainly is," Cassian said with a faint smile as we continued down and down into the heavy black and thrumming silence. "But this is war. We don't have the luxury of good ideas–only picking between the bad ones.

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  • Author Sarah J. Maas
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    Not only for our sakes, but… she needs to get out of the House. She needs to…” Cassian’s wings kept up a steady booming beat, the new sections only detectable by their lack of scarring. “She’ll destroy herself if she stays cooped up in there.

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