968 Quotes About Cats

  • Author James Bowen
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    I don't know why, but people seem to be fascinated to learn how some members of society fall through the cracks. I think it's partly that feeling that... it could happen to anyone. But I think it also makes people feel better about their own lives. It makes them think, 'Well, I may think my life is bad, but it could be worse, I could be that poor sod.

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  • Author Hans Holzer
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    There are several cats smoothly moving about, which helped me greatly to relax, for I have always felt that no house is wholly bad where there are cats, and conversely, where there are several cats, a house is bound to be wonderfully charming.

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  • Author Sōseki Natsume
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    In this particular field of endeavour, there's not a cat in all of Japan as gifted as am I.... They say that every toad carries in it's fore-head a gem that in the darkness utters light,but packed within my tail I carry not only the power of God, Buddha, Confuscious , Love and even Death ,but also an infallible panacea for all ills that could bewitch the entire human race.

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