36 Quotes About Cheerleading


"Rhythm? Not only do I have to defy gravity. I have to have rhythm while I do it?"


"Football players throw a 3 pound ball in the air, but cheerleaders throw a 100 pound girl in the air and catch her."


"Open Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!"


"Admitting your weaknesses does not diminish your strengths: it shows your courage."


"I always had to prove myself through my actions. Be a cheerleader. Be class president. Be the editor of the newspaper."


"I was a real loner in high school, even though people assume I was the head cheerleader."


"I know nothing about producing TV drama and any involvement on my part is liable to prove an obstacle to the producers, so I prefer to be a cheerleader and let them get on with it."


"Cheerleading is a part of you. You live it all the time. People will judge you based upon it, but you can't be ashamed because although they may make fun of you, they are just jealous that you are on of the elite, the superior, the best... a cheerleader!"


"I was on the cheerleading squad and drama and the choir, but I was friends with everybody. I was not a partier. I was too Type A and crazy about my grades, but I was still there at everything."
