467 Quotes About Chemistry

  • Author C.P. Snow
  • Quote

    For the first time I saw a medley of haphazard facts fall into line and order. All the jumbles and recipes and hotchpotch of the inorganic chemistry of my boyhood seemed to fit into the scheme before my eyes—as though one were standing beside a jungle and it suddenly transformed itself into a Dutch garden.[Upon hearing the Periodic Table explained in a first-tern university lecture.]

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  • Author Alan Bradley
  • Quote

    I had once repeated the experiment to reassure myself that this was so, and it was. Ashes to ashes; starch to sugar. A little window into the Creation

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  • Author Анна Коростелева
  • Quote

    Тарквиний Змейк ворвался в класс, как свежий ветер, и задал вопрос, неожиданный для учителя химии:— Вы знаете, как выглядит китайский иероглиф «учиться»?Никто не знал.— Он составлен из трех элементов: ребенок под крышей, а сверху над ним — когти. Вопросы есть?И Гвидион сразу понял, что у него в сердце всегда найдется место для предмета, который ведет Тарквиний Змейк.

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  • Author Peter D. Mitchell
  • Quote

    Finally, to the theme of the respiratory chain, it is especially noteworthy that David Kellin's chemically simple view of the respiratory chain appears now to have been right all along–and he deserves great credit for having been so reluctant to become involved when the energy-rich chemical intermediates began to be so fashionable. This reminds me of the aphorism: 'The obscure we see eventually, the completely apparent takes longer'.

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