467 Quotes About Chemistry
- Author Deyth Banger
If you go very deeper you will see that you are not in freedom you are in cage made by chemistry and science.
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- Author Steven Magee
At the age of 48, my body had become a chemistry experiment that I was constantly changing the composition of the chemicals in it to find beneficial reactions.
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- Author Robert Boyle
Epicurus... supposes not only all mixt bodies, but all others to be produced by the various and casual occursions of atoms, moving themselves to and fro by an internal principle in the immense or rather infinite vacuum.
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- Author Antoine-François De Fourcroy
Tout homme qui reçoit une éducation libérale compte aujourd'hui la chimie parmi les objets les plus indispensables de ses études.Everyone who receives a liberal education today counts chemistry among the most essential parts of his studies.
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- Author Emil Fischer
Once a molecule is asymmetric, its extension proceeds also in an asymmetrical sense. This concept completely eliminates the difference between natural and artificial synthesis. The advance of science has removed the last chemical hiding place for the once so highly esteemed vis vitalis.
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- Author Robert Boyle
It is my intent to beget a good understanding between the chymists and the mechanical philosophers who have hitherto been too little acquainted with one another's learning.
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- Author Oswald Theodore Avery
If the results of the present study on the chemical nature of the transforming principle are confirmed, then nucleic acids must be regarded as possessing biological specificity the chemical basis of which is as yet undetermined.
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- Author Joseph Woodger
cell is not a name for a thing but for a type of organization
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- Author Bill Bryson
As the physicist Paul Davies puts it, 'If everything needs everything else, how did the communities of molecules ever arise in the first place?' It is rather as if all the ingredients in your kitchen somehow got together and baked themselves into a cake - but a cake that could moreover divide when necessary to produce more cakes. It is little wonder that we call it the miracle of life. It is also little wonder that we have barely begun to understand it.
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