373 Quotes About Chick-lit

  • Author Danielle-Claude Ngontang
  • Quote

    What hasn’t she done to me? She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my entire life. She has a passion about other people’s happiness that is simply inspiring. She rose from her own ashes and became an even better person when most would have stayed in the dark,” I tell her, looking straight into her eyes. “And when she dances, sings or plays an instrument…she’s a completely out of this world artist and I can’t take my eyes…and hands off her,

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  • Author Sophie Kinsella
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    I'm never going to believe a Poirot mystery again. Never. All those witnesses going, "Yes, I remember it was 3:06 p.m. exactly, because I glanced at the clock as I reached for the sugar tongs, and Lady Favisham was quite clearly sitting on the right-hand side of the fireplace."Bollocks. They have no idea where Lady Favisham was, they just don't want to admit it in front of Poirot. I'm amazed he gets anywhere.

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  • Author Sophie Kinsella
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    And this is the moment where I went wrong. This is the gut-churning, if-only instant. If I could go back in time, that's the moment I would march up to myself and say severely, "Poppy, priorities." But you don't realize, do you? The moment happens, and you make your crucial mistake, and then it's gone and the chance to do anything about it is blown away.

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