34 Quotes About Church-leaders


"The aim and the result of faithful, fruitful, and fulfilling service is to make God famous."


"Our enemy attacks the conscience little by little seeking to wear us down and then wears out a leader's resolve to fight the good fight."


"In my prayer journey I’ve been motived by many lesser aspirations like guilt, approval before others and even a ego-driven desire for church growth. Of course, a passion for revival can even trigger more prayers. Yet, in the long run, we must remember that there is a difference between seeking revival from God vs. seeking God for revival."


"The prayer level of a church never rises any higher than the personal example and passion of the leaders. The quantity and quality of prayer in leadership meetings is the essential indicator of the amount of prayer that will eventually arise among the congregation."


"The real church is comprised of a long list of "formers" who collectively work together for world reform."


"So many people, organizations, ministries and Nations are LIMITED because their Leaders are not Assets but Liabilities."


"The real power and test of our ministry (calling) is not in the pulpit or public arena, but in our private lives, our home."
