143 Quotes About Collapse

  • Author Steve Madison
  • Quote

    Why did the Roman Empire - the greatest civilizing force there has ever been - fall? It was because it became infected at every level by the negative liberty of Christianity. The Roman people started thinking of their personal salvation rather than their collective strength. Once the poison of individualism has spread among the people, Rome's fate was sealed. The collective collapsed. The Dark Ages came upon the West. Once the cohesion of the people has gone, everything fails.

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  • Author Srinivas Mishra
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    Any relationship is based on love, trustand cooperation.History shows that the collapse of the state is almost always caused by quarrels among themselves. Motivated by each other, they betray each other. They are also traitors to their country because of selfishness

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  • Author Irene Nemirovsky
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    Everyone was saying that Europe, civilisation, the entire world was collapsing, that the century was destined to end in catastrophe, that everything would perish, drowned in blood. But she still hoped for a husband, a home, children, and she instinctively felt that the destruction of everything was a mirage, a lie, while she, she lived the truth.

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