84 Quotes About College-life
- Author Jennifer LeBlanc
How'd you know that would help, Grandma?Used to have a regular who had attacks like that all the time. Poor guy. He was an accountant, loveless marriage-most of em were back then-and vaginas scared the bejeezus outta him.
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- Author Jenifer Lewis
... my love life in college had a lot of moving parts.
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- Author Parul Wadhwa
He is quick witted, yes! Astute big time & level headed in opinion. It is my firsthand judgment of a man.
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- Author Michael Metzler
It’s YOUR journey. Ask yourself who you are, where you want to go, and how you’d like to get there. Graciously accept advice from everyone, but don’t look left and right and wonder why you’re not taking the path of your peers. Enjoy the path you’re on and make the most of it. Carpe College!
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- Author Kirstie Collins Brote
Our first kiss was there on the bridge in the woods. How do you describe a first kiss? It is like trying to hold water in your hands. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that compares kissing to drinking salted water. “You drink, and your thirst increases,” it says. Time, I’m sure, passed by, but we remained unavailable for comment.
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- Author Chandra Sekhar
Life is travelled at a pace one decides for themselves
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- Author Panos Sakelis
STARBUCK: There’s no such thing as a plain woman. Every real woman is pretty. They’re all pretty in a different way, but they’re all pretty.LIZZIE: Not me. When I look in the looking glass.... STARBUCK: Don’t let Noah be your looking glass. It’s gotta be in-side a you. Then one day that looking glass will be the man who loves you. It’ll be his eyes maybe. And you’ll look in that mirror and you’ll be more than pretty. You’ll be beautiful.“The Rainmaker” by R. Nash
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- Author T.S. Krupa
Why is this so important to you?" I asked, looking her straight in the eyes."Why isn't this important to you?" she asked back, never blinking.
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- Author Connie Spanhake
Who’s to say there’s only one person for each of us? There’s too much of the world I want to see and experience. -Connie Spanhake
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