68 Quotes About College-romance
- Author Magan Vernon
Now let’s go back to your place and bake shit and watch Harry Potter.
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- Author Magan Vernon
It means that I like you for you and you should like you for you.
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- Author Siobhan Davis
A sharp pain jackknifes my insides, and I can’t stop the sob that rips from my mouth, so primitive and raw it could have come straight from my soul.Loving him the way I do, it physically hurts.
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- Author Siobhan Davis
I want to kiss the shit out of her right now.“Are we really going to do this?” she whispers.I can’t help what I do next. Moving fast, I skim my mouth over hers, superfast, just one fleeting caress of our lips, but it’s everything.Everything.
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- Author Siobhan Davis
Convincing Lana I forgive her for what she did is the least of it.I have years of stupid mistakes to make up for.
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- Author Siobhan Davis
Even after all the hurt and the pain, I still love you so much. Probably too much for someone my age. I used to believe it was because we were made for each other. That we had a special kind of love most people never find. Now, I wonder if it’s the opposite. If we were put together to show the destructive side of love.You have always been my light and my dark.My sun and shadow.My strength and weakness.You bring out the best and the worst in me.
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- Author Siobhan Davis
Come on, Lana,” Liv groans. “Stop keeping me in suspense. Get to the juicy stuff.”I fling my pillow at her. “Hey! This isn’t the latest soap opera we’re discussing. This is my life!”“Your life with the Kennedys,” she swoons, tossing the pillow back at me. “That sounds like a soap opera I’d watch.
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- Author Molly McAdams
I swear, if you touch me, I’ll go Lorena Bobbitt on you.” Lorena Bobbitt? Why does that sound—oh my God, the lady that chopped off her husband’s dick? I busted out laughing and put my pillow over my face. “Oh my God! Princess! You’re my new favorite!” That’s it, that comment right there, and it was sealed. I would do anything to have this beautiful gray-eyed princess lying next to me, as mine.
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- Author H.M. Ward
I think things that i shouldn't.I dream things that i shouldn't.I want things that i shouldn't and it's all because of one thing-- I do care about you.
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