1,197 Quotes About Comfort
- Author Mandy Ashcraft
The large office had been deliberately designed so that the two sub-terranian levels were just the tiniest bit smaller, so that the building was proudly 51% conducting honest and open business, and only 49% not. Inkle and Kelvin had felt a boost of confidence from their manufactured technicality, similar to the comfort that survey results can provide when carefully polling groups more likely to give you comforting numbers.
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- Author Suzanne DeWitt Hall
If you are an LGBTQ+ individual, know that Jesus understands how you feel and cries for your pain. If you are not, remember that when you offer comfort and aid to one such as this, you offer it to Christ, himself.
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- Author Melanie Gideon
When I'm in pain I want everyone I love on the island with me, sitting around the fire, getting drunk on coconut milk, banging out a plan.
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- Author Richelle Goodrich
Severing our young and fragile friendship was a sad ordeal, but sadder still was the fact that this friend found it so difficult to respond to my immediate need, unlike a dreamed boy who always afforded me easy comfort. I couldn’t understand what was so hard about reaching out to hug someone. But judging by Gregory’s uncomfortable conduct I had to assume it was an honest trial.
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- Author Kenneth W. Osbeck
Christians have long realized that the whispered name "Jesus" can bring comfort and cheer to someone suffering or bereaved, and it can bring joyful hope to the fearful or depressed heart.
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- Author Evan Thomsen
If you stop learning the moment you fit a role, you are gambling with your future, and every day the odds get increasingly worse.
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- Author Teresa Schultz
Jesus came to bring life more abundantly. He came to save the soulsick, to deliver those bound up in sin, to break the chains of bondage and addiction. He came to heal the hurting, and comfort and restore the used, abused, bruised, battered, and broken. He came to forgive the worst sinner and to bring life to the lifeless. He came to reconcile us with God so we can have relationship with our Father.
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- Author Connor Chalfant
You matter so much you're made of it.
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- Author Lana Popović
... but that was comfort lent in catastrophe. Now, in the absence of tragedy, we couldn't seem to find each other.
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