818 Quotes About Coming-of-age

  • Author Charlotte Kluskens
  • Quote

    Everything had been fine, until one day it wasn’t enough anymore. Jack had tasted this other world, this other life, and wouldn’t go back to how things were. The only way was forward and that was where he was headed. Even if it meant jumping in the unknown.

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  • Author Amrou Al-Kadhi
  • Quote

    You might be questioning why I allowed Mason to treat me this way. I often do myself. But at the age of sixteen, and as someone who had not found true acceptance anywhere I turned, I was willing to accept any crumbs of acceptance that were thrown my way.

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  • Author Luis Landero
  • Quote

    Quizá yo empezaba a intuir que así es como la vida nos mueve y nos enreda, y nos fatiga sin desmayo, porque si no alcanzamos lo que anhelamos, el corazón lo perseguirá cada vez con más saña, pero si lo logramos o creemos lograrlo, añoraremos el anhelo que poníamos en la persecución. ¡Entonces sí éramos jóvenes e incansables! Entonces, siempre entonces.

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  • Author Agnes Borinsky
  • Quote

    I feel like I was on autopilot for most of my life. Like I just took for granted the person the world told me I was and I feel like it might have been easier to shake that up a little when I was a kid." "How old are you now, ninety-two?""No, I know I was just...""I don't know about easy or not easy, it's just different.""Well not easy, but...""You're just doing this now, Sasha Masha. Now is your time, and you're doing it, so what else do you have to worry about?

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