51 Quotes About Communications


"There are ten thousand opportunities on the horizon. The pie keeps growing and, in a rapidly evolving marketplace, white spaces and blue oceans will continue to surround us."


"If you've earned the trust of people I already trust, their referral of you to me is worth more than any other form of marketing."


"There's plenty of money in any niche where you're scratching a genuine business niche."


"What we offer needs to be a clear and obvious fit for our customers. We need to help others envision exactly what they're buying - in concrete terms."


"Clarity is that 20/20 focus that cuts through the fog and lets you stand our from the noise. Clarity fuels effective marketing and selling."


"Whatever size the business, getting attention in a crowded marketplace demands, above all, a clear and focused message: a signal that rises above the noise."


"A memory dart is your shorthand verbal business card. It is your identity implanted directly into the memory of your listener."


"You don't fly to another country and expect the residents to speak your language. You have to communicate with speech they understand. Winning business involves speaking human, not spewing jargon."


"Clarity is an act of courage to say "yes" to the best business - and therefore to decisively say "no" to work that isn't a good fit."
