3,462 Quotes About Community

  • Author Rosalie De Rosset
  • Quote

    The goal of using our voice is not just to be noticed, but with humility to gracefully be fully present in relationships. Deferring to another person does not require that we be ignored; allowing that is cowardice. Hiding, a form of dishonesty, prevents true community.

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  • Author Léon Krier
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    Cities and landscapes are illustrations of our spiritual and material worth. They not only express our values but give them a tangible reality. They determine the way in which we use or squander our energy, time, and land resources.

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  • Author Henri J.M. Nouwen
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    We may be little, insignificant servants in the eyes of a world motivated by efficiency, control and success. But when we realize that God has chosen us from all eternity, sent us into the world as the blessed ones, handed us over to suffering, can't we, then, also trust that our little lives will multiply themselves and be able to fulfill the needs of countless people?

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  • Author مصطفى محمود
  • Quote

    إن الصناعة لها معنى واسع..إنها تعني الحرية..لأن الآلة تحرر الإنسان.. وتوفر له ثمن ما يمتلك.. الطاقة والوقت والعمر.. وتحرر الشعوب بما تمنحها من قوة.والنظرية القائلة بأن الصناعة تؤدي إلى مجتمع آلي وإنسان آلي كاذبة من أساسها.. لأن الصناعة في الحق تأخذ على عاتقها الواجبات الآلية وتترك للإنسان مجالاته الإبداعية.

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  • Author Wess Stafford
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    I have become convinced that the more wealth a country accumulates, the more isolated and lonely its people become. The loneliest are usually the children and the elderly. Children learn what they live, and isolation in the ‘village’ is one of the most destructive messages we daily write on the tablets of their hearts.

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  • Author Donald Miller
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    When I walked into the Christian section of a bookstore, the message was clear: Faith is something you do alone. Rick does not have much tolerance for people living alone. He’s like Bill Clinton in that he feels everyone’s pain. If Rick thinks somebody is lonely, he can’t sleep at night. He wants us all to live with each other and play nice so he can get some rest. Tortured soul.

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