3,462 Quotes About Community

  • Author Sara Miles
  • Quote

    In big ways and small, I knew exactly how selfish a war could make me, and I saw all around me how fear and need drove other people to terrible betrayals. Yet over and over, I also saw how war created a community, a people, and how that community was nourished by gestures of sharing. It was sharing that didn't depend on personal intimacy, and a community that didn't depend on everyone's being friends; it foreshadowed what I would come to understand as church, at its best.

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  • Author Bell Hooks
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    Through the practice of compassion and forgiveness, I was able to sustain my appreciation for her work and cope with the grief and disappointment I felt about the loss of this relationship. Practicing compassion enabled me to understand why she might have acted as she did and to forgive her. Forgiving means that I am able to see her as a member of my community still, one who has a place in my heart should she wish to claim it.

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  • Author Kathryn Schulz
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    [There] is . . . a problem that bedevils all of us as members of communities of believers. I call this problem our disagreement deficit, and it comes in four parts. . . . First, our communities expose us to disproportionate support for our own ideas. Second, they shield us from the disagreement of outsiders. Third, they cause us to disregard whatever outside disagreement we do encounter. Finally, they quash the development of disagreement from within.

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  • Author Irene Nemirovsky
  • Quote

    -Cred... că individul n-ar trebui sacrificat în felul ăsta. Mă refer la noi toți. Ni s-a luat prea mult! Iubirea, familia... E prea mult!-Asta e, doamnă, problema principală a timpului nostru, fie că vorbim de individ sau de comunitate, pentru că, nu-i așa, războiul este opera comună prin excelență. Noi, germanii, credem în spiritul comunitar în sensul în care se spune că albinele au simțul stupului. Lui îi datorăm totul: sevă, strălucire, parfumuri, iubiri...

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  • Author Leslie Ludy
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    In our culture it is seen as a sign of weakness to actually seek help from someone else. And yet, as Christians, God designed us to need each other - He designed us to lean upon the body of Christ for support, prayer, wisdom, and even practical help.

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