178 Quotes About Compliments
"We got a lot of compliments around the room, ... We make mistakes . . . (but) every day, we try to improve."
"He's a natural. In my 35 years of talk radio, I've seen very few people like him. I don't often give out compliments like that."
"He's one of the top three players at his position. That's a great compliment. There's Shaq in front of him and who else? Take your pick."
"When I say Dan Wilson is one of the good guys, for me, that's the ultimate compliment. Very few of us, in all walks of life, rarely say and do the same thing. There's nothing phony about Dan Wilson. He talks the talk and walks the walk. Anytime someone like that leaves, we're all worse off for it."
"I made a decision when I started writing 'All is Song' to take the compliments I had for 'The Wilderness' and try to be confident and not overwhelmed by it."
"Probably not, but it's a tremendous compliment to him and his abilities that he's even considered."
"Many critics, when trying to praise a short-story collection, will say that it has the heft and scope of a good novel. But for me, one of the highest compliments you can pay a novel is to say that it has the rich texture and eloquent detail of a good story collection."
"Never praise a sister to a sister in the hope of your compliments reaching the proper ears"