337 Quotes About Concept
- Author Deyth Banger
Life is repudiation, friendship is a lieable concept.
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- Author Ehsan Sehgal
You see the way if you understand the concept and the description of the words, that have some roles in your life.
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- Author Ehsan Sehgal
Whenever you wish to learn and understand the real and true concept of love, and humanity, observe the children's devotion.
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- Author Ehsan Sehgal
To understand someone is a different concept while the understanding, with someone, is another meaning.
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- Author Ehsan Sehgal
Nature, within it all shapes, appears to disappear. As thus, it verifies its visionary concept itself.
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- Author Arthur Schopenhauer
The highest, i.e., the most general concepts, are the poorest; ultimately these are just empty shells, as, e.g., being, essence, thing, becoming, ect. - incidentally, whatever could philosophical systems produce when they are merely spun out of these same concepts and have as their matter only such empty shells of thought? They must be infinitely empty and poor, and therefore, turn out to be tedious and suffocating.
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- Author Attila Bartis
Nagyváradon véletlenül kiszaladt a számon egymondat, hogy megbolondulnék, ha egyetlen hátsóudvart vagy arcot vagy virágcsokrot kéne fényképezzem egész életemben, ha egy úgynevezett alkotói koncepció ketrecében találnám magam.Amire valaki megjegyezte, hogy de hiszen ugyanazt a nőtfényképezte majd két évtizedig.És bele is bolondultunk, vágtam rá, még mielőtt belegondoltam volna, hogy mit beszélek.A közönség pedig hálásan nevetett.
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- Author L.J. Buchanan
concept: as i sleep, a star falls out of the sky. it makes its way down to me. it slips through my open window, floats into my chest and spreads its light throughout my body. it heals me
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- Author L.J. Buchanan
concept: me, wandering through the morning fog of a flowery hillside. the world is still and silent and calm
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