163 Quotes About Contemporary-fiction
- Author Brian Joyce
Dream-start with dream. Start tonight-become who you want-dream big!" He became animated at this point, "No money needed for dreams. Dreams are free.
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- Author Brian Joyce
That night, he laid in his bed thinking about all the possibilities. They came like waves in his mind. At first they came slow, then gradually built up speed, cresting into full on dreams, until finally, they broke onto the shore with all of their reality. First dreams, then nightmares.
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- Author Brian Joyce
Christopher was wearing a suit and adorned make-up. As long as I had known him, he never wore a suit or make-up. The look of him defenseless to his appearance saddened me.
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- Author Brian Joyce
What were we, but kids with apartments and jobs anyway?
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- Author Brian Joyce
Couples swayed and embraced to the beat as the singer's vocals soared above a group of confused teenagers and twenty-something's.
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- Author Stasia Ward Kehoe
The dusty library air is electric with secrets/ almost palpable in the thick quiet that bounces between/ Cal and those books and me
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- Author Jill Kargman
When I married Mr. Right, I didn’t realize his first name was ALWAYS.
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- Author Megan Duke
I'm going to turn my life around. Make a complete three sixty.""Don't you mean one eighty?" he corrected. "If you do that, you'll end up right back where you started.""Maybe. But at least I'll have a chance of coming out of it a different person - a better version of me.
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- Author Megan Duke
She might have been there for you in the aftermath, but I was there when everything came crashing down.
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