54 Quotes About Corona
- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
The most important thing that the coronavirus teaches humanity is this: Let's not exaggerate the level that our civilization has reached! It is a great arrogance to see ourselves so great! And here is a little virus reminded us of this!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Arrogant humanity always thinks that among all living beings only humans can write a sensational story in the world! But here's a nano organism called coronavirus - just like other microorganisms of the past - proved the opposite of this!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
In times of this corona pandemic, people often ask when the world will return to its normal days! Don't wait for normal days! Assume that abnormal days are normal days! Today's abnormal normal is now our new normal! The world may not return to its old days; the smart person is the person who adapts to the changing world! All days are normal as long as you adjust yourself to the changes no matter how dramatic these changes are!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Thousands and thousands are dying due to coronavirus and yet when this thing is over the humanity will declare a victory! What victory? Fools! There is no victory for the dead people! And when it comes to the living people, everyone should have a deep sadness in their soul, not a brag of victory!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
The coronavirus showed us the following fact: If the money spent on churches, temples, mosques, the arms industry and so on was spent on medical science and hospitals, humanity would be in a much safer world!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
On one side there are cowardly prime ministers, presidents, queens, kings who lock themselves in their castles, palaces and rooms! On the other hand, there are honourable statesmen who visit hospitals after taking necessary personal precautions! Honourable politician is the person who is at the front of the front in times of great crisis like corona pandemic!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
If the world returns to its order before the coronavirus epidemic, the world will once again prove to be very stupid! The coronavirus outbreak is an opportunity! An opportunity for what? It is an opportunity to destroy the arms industry; it is an opportunity make peace with nature, to get rid of stupid ambitions, for a new world order primarily focused on health, art and science; it is an opportunity to be a humanity with human values!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
The world will somehow manage to get rid of the coronavirus, most probably with extraordinary death tolls. But then guess what happens? The world will go back to its routine stupidities, namely the wars, supporting the dictators, voting for stupid politicians, destroying the forests, killing earth's climate etc.!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
The coronavirus has revealed a very important fact: There are 206 countries in the world, but there are only a few first-class countries that are very successful in protecting their citizens against the virus, that behaved early and swiftly! And the remaining so-called states should be called tribes instead of the state!
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