71 Quotes About Covenant
- Author Dr Paul Gitwaza
The way of drawing God near is not by rising but by kneeling down in humility and seeking his face.
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- Author Dr Paul Gitwaza
Uburyo bwo kumanura Imana s'uguhaguruka ahubwo n'uguphukama ugashaka mu maso hayo mu guca bugufi.
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- Author Dr Paul Gitwaza
La façon d'attirer Dieu n'est pas de se lever mais de s'agenouiller dans l'humilité et de chercher sa face.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't degrade your soul to the extent of believing in curses. No man can curse you except your maker.
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- Author Erik Christian Haugaard
I am sure that there is many a young man who would think it a great honor to exchange his name for yours.
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- Author John Geddes
...if you don't regard your word as a sacred covenant, then there is nothing in you I can honor ...
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- Author Senator Cory Booker
[Tolerance means] I’m going to stomach your right to be different, but if you disappear off the face of the earth I’m no worse off. [Patriotism means] love of country, which necessitates love of each other, that we have to be a nation that aspires for love, which recognizes that you have worth and dignity and I need you. You are part of my whole, part of the promise of this country.
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- Author Haroutioun Bochnakian
DIVINE NECESSITY creates “others” even among family members who become good to be killed by family members…HUMAN NECESSITY commands man to resurrect the supposed reason for which God supposedly shattered humanity in Babylon:The “Covenant” among men.
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- Author Jessica Coupe
And in blessing himI was blessed,And in comforting himI was comforted…
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