47 Quotes About Crazy-people
"Lunatics are not the only ones to be called lunatics."
"It is my streak of craziness that has saved me from extinction"
"I don’t understand your specific brand of crazy, but I do commend your devotion to it. -Truth to his ex"
"Sometimes you must do crazy things to discover the life beyond your life, to enter the unknown zone beyond your known zone!"
"We must thank to the crazy people because by looking at their achievements or the failures, we can decide whether we have to inject some craziness to our own lives or not!"
"Les asiles d'aliénés sont des réceptacles de magies noire, conscients et prémédités."
"I don't know what she's thinking, but I'm thinking how fluid the border is between crazy and interesting, and how hard it is to decide who belongs where."
"I think it is a wise person who does not answer the door to uninvited police officers. Who knows what kind of crazy person could be standing there with a loaded gun!"